- Phone: 0370-2270132/2270135
- Email: labcomm-ngl[at]nic.in, dirlabour-ngl[at]nic.in
Public Factories
15Private Factories
1018Shops & Establishments
1Commercial Establishment
0Public Entertainment
0The Act provides for regulation of conditions of work and employment in shops and commercial establishments / establishments for public entertainment or amusement such as Hours of work, Leave, Wages, Employment of Children and Women, Health & Safety and Offences, Penalties and Procedures.
Under the Act provides that every employer shall be obligated to register his Shops and Establishments. The registration shall be renewed every twelve months. On any registration or renewal of Shops and Establishments, a Certificate shall be issued to the employers by the Chief Inspector of Shops & Establishment or by persons entrusted by him for such matters.
The Factories Act, 1948 is one of the important Acts among the Labour Laws and it is effectively enforced in all the public and private undertakings in the state, by the department. Under the provisions of the Act, among other things, safety, health and welfare should be efficiently provided to the workers.
Registration and grant of license being mandatory under section 6 of the Act, the department has registered a number of factories in the state, most of which are located in the foothills bordering Assam.